Site Update November 2024

As you may have noticed, I’ve had to put this site on hold a couple times over the last 4 - 5 years.  That just happened again for a period of time if you look at the timeline on my blog posts.

Why?  Life.  I’m not getting any younger.  Some health issues.  Retirement from a real job.  Getting another business up and running.  Not earning any income from this site.

The crazy thing is that despite not adding any new content, my traffic continues to grow.  People keep finding this site and coming back to it. 

Anyone who has been in the blogging space over the last decade or so has experienced what I have.  It has often been discouraging to the point of giving up. 

Google likes to play games and change their algorithms periodically blowing up so much of the traffic that we’ve tried to grow.

I enjoy traveling this state and writing about it.  This site has been a labor of love.  I created it and spent countless hours on it over the past 15 years with no monetary reward whatsoever. 

One thing that has also kept me from spending time on this site/blog lately is that I don’t earn a dime from it.  I don’t have an email list.  I don’t send out annoying emails.  I haven’t added advertising.  Yet. 

Moving forward, I will be changing this by offering eBooks and writing a mirror site on Substack.  That will enable me to continue to offer good (I hope) content on this site while allowing me to monetize my efforts on the Substack side.

You’ll start seeing a lot more articles and blog posts here moving forward. 

One thing I would ask of you if you like this site/blog especially if you are a frequent visitor.  Please drop me a note using the “Contact Us” form and let me know what you want to see more content on.  Or email me at  . 

  • What do you like reading about most? 
  • What do you want to see photos of (I’m easing back into outdoor and wildlife photography)? 
  • What do you want to know about?      
  • What kind of posts do you like reading?
  • What kind of a much more detailed eBook would you actually pay a few dollars (bitcoin, lbs., euros, etc.) for? 
  • Do you want to learn more about the more popular destinations or the more out of the way places in Utah?
  • Or just let me know anything else you might be interested in.

Thanks for visiting my site.

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Bryce Canyon National Park

Canyonlands National Park

Wasatch Mountains

Lake Powell

Zion National Park

Arches National Park

Great Salt Lake

Monument Valley