how do you like the new design? The new
look and feel of this site?
this is the first time you’ve visited this site, then the new design changes are
probably not apparent. But if you’ve
visited my site in the past, I hope you’ll agree that the new improved version
is quite a step up. In every way.
you’ve requested my FREE ebook lately … “The
101 Best Things To See In Utah” … you’ll be reading the new, bigger, more
colorful version of that one also.
If you requested the old cheesy version, you should have received an email from me with a link to the new updated version. With no obligation whatsoever.
information, the photos and the links are pretty cool. For a free ebook.
may have noticed that many of the articles or posts on this site were written
several years ago. For reasons I won’t
go into here, I had to step away from this site for quite some time.
funny thing is the traffic just kept coming.
At times, even growing despite me not doing anything to keep it updated.
I never shut it down. And now, I’m back
and have completely updated the design ... the look and feel … of my site.
more colorful. Easier to read. The
photos are bigger. And the content will
definitely be better moving forward.
I’ll regularly be adding new pages and new posts. And updating some of the existing pages.
But don't get pissed when you find something that's out-dated. I can't revise hundreds of pages.
So keep checking in. You may also see some changes in my writing
style moving forward.
I’m a trained copywriter. And I like telling stories.
So I’ll try to use these things to make what you’re reading here more entertaining and more
If you want simple details about where to go and what to do, you can just as easily visit one of those government travel sites.
hopefully you’ll enjoy reading what I write and the way I write it. And come
here instead.
for visiting and thanks for your interest.