Fees For Boat Ramps at Strawberry Reservoir

by Joe

Strawberry Reservoir in the Fall

Strawberry Reservoir in the Fall

Are their fees to use boat ramps to launch onto Stawberry reservoir? Thank you for your time. Great site.


There are four developed marinas with paved boat ramps at the reservoir: Strawberry Bay Marina, Renegade, Soldier Creek Marina, and Aspen. You don't have to pay to launch your boat the lake.

There are full service developments containing campground loops, sanitary dump stations, day use areas, group pavilions and marina stores.

There are day-use fees, though, to park and use any of the developments around the reservoir. Last I saw, this fee was $5. I haven't been up there this year yet - 2012.


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Jun 11, 2023
Why are Veterans charged an entry fee?
by: Veteran

Why are my America the Beautiful or my Veteran Pass for national parks and national rec areas not accepted for entry to Strawberry Res or Soildier Creek?

Aug 11, 2019
Boat Camping at Strawberry Reservoir NEW
by: KC

August 2019
I called the Heber ranger district and was told that the fee to launch at strawberry is $9.00 this year. They said if I want to boat camp, there is no fee other than the launch fee. They said you can camp as many nights as you want and you just pay for the day that you launch and the day that you use the boat ramp to pull out. In other words, pay for 2 day use fees and stay as many nights as you like. No restrictions on boat camping. Not bad!

Jul 27, 2019
Fee charged for Disabled Veterans holding America the Beautiful Pass NEW
by: Roger Kaufman

How do you justify charging Disabled American Veterans a fee to launch their boat at Strawberry Reservoir that hold the America the Beautiful Pass? It’s ludicrous. I served my Country in the Military through 3 wars. 60% VA disability
(a) America the Beautiful—the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass
(1) Availability and use
The Secretaries shall establish, and may charge a fee for, an interagency national pass to be known as the "America the Beautiful—the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass", which shall cover the entrance fee and standard amenity recreation fee for all Federal recreational lands and waters for which an entrance fee or a standard amenity recreation fee is charged.

(2) Image competition for recreation pass
The Secretaries shall hold an annual competition to select the image to be used on the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass for a year. The competition shall be open to the public and used as a means to educate the American people about Federal recreational lands and waters.

(3) Notice of establishment
The Secretaries shall publish a notice in the Federal Register when the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass is first established and available for purchase.

(4) Duration
The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass shall be valid for a period of 12 months from the date of the issuance of the recreation pass to a passholder, except in the case of the age and disability discounted passes issued under subsection (b).

(5) Price
The Secretaries shall establish the price at which the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass will be sold to the public.

(6) Sales locations and marketing
(A) In general
The Secretary shall sell the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass at all Federal recreational lands and waters at which an entrance fee or a standard amenity recreation fee is charged and at such other locations as the Secretaries consider appropriate and feasible.

(B) Use of vendors
The Secretary may enter into fee management agreements as provided in section 6805 of this title.

(C) Marketing
The Secretaries shall take such actions as are appropriate to provide for the active marketing of the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass.

(7) Administrative guidelines
The Secretaries shall issue guidelines on administration of the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass, which shall include agreement on price, the distribution of revenues between the Federal land management agencies, the sharing of costs, benefits provided, marketing and design, adequate documentation for age and disability discounts under subsection (b), and the issuance of that recreation pass to volunteers. The Secretaries shall take into consideration all relevant visitor and sales data available in establishing the guidelines.

(8) Development and implementation agreements
The Secretaries may enter into cooperative agreements with governmental and nongovernmental entities for the development and implementation of the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass Program.

(9) Prohibition on other national recreation passes
The Secretary may not establish any national recreation pass, except as provided in this section.

(b) Discounted passes
(1) Age discount
(A) The Secretary shall make the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass available to any United States citizen or person domiciled in the United States who is 62 years of age or older, if the citizen or person provides adequate proof of such age and such citizenship or residency. The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass made available under this subsection shall be available—
(i) for a period of 12 months from the date of the issuance, at a cost of $20; and
(ii) for the lifetime of the passholder, at a cost equal to the cost of the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass purchased under subsection (a).
(B) The Secretary shall issue a pass under subparagraph (A)(ii), for no additional cost, to any individual who provides evidence, under policies and guidelines determined by the Secretary, that the individual has purchased a pass under subparagraph (A)(i) for each of the 4 years prior to being issued a pass under this subparagraph.
(2) Disability discount
The Secretary shall make the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass available, without charge, to any United States citizen or person domiciled in the United States who has been medically determined to be permanently disabled for purposes of section 705(20)(B)(i) of title 29, if the citizen or person provides adequate proof of the disability and such citizenship or residency. The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass made available under this subsection shall be valid for the lifetime of the passholder.

(c) Site-specific agency passes
The Secretary may establish and charge a fee for a site-specific pass that will cover the entrance fee or standard amenity recreation fee for particular Federal recreational lands and waters for a specified period not to exceed 12 months.

(d) Regional multientity passes
(1) Passes authorized
The Secretary may establish and charge a fee for a regional multientity pass that will be accepted by one or more Federal land management agencies or by one or more governmental or nongovernmental entities for a specified period not to exceed 12 months. To include a Federal land management agency or governmental or nongovernmental entity over which the Secretary does not have jurisdiction, the Secretary shall obtain the consent of the head of such agency or entity.

(2) Regional multientity pass agreement
In order to establish a regional multientity pass under this subsection, the Secretary shall enter into a regional multientity pass agreement with all the participating agencies or entities on price, the distribution of revenues between participating agencies or entities, the sharing of costs, benefits provided, marketing and design, and the issuance of the pass to volunteers. The Secretary shall take into consideration all relevant visitor and sales data available when entering into this agreement.

(e) Discounted or free admission days or use
The Secretary may provide for a discounted or free admission day or use of Federal recreational lands and waters.

(f) Effect on existing passports and permits
(1) Existing passports
A passport issued under section 100904 of title 54 or title VI of the National Parks Omnibus Management Act of 1998 (Public Law 105–391), such as the Golden Eagle Passport, the Golden Age Passport, the Golden Access Passport, and the National Parks Passport, that was valid on the day before the publication of the Federal Register notice required under subsection (a)(3) shall be valid in accordance with the terms agreed to at the time of issuance of the passport, to the extent practicable, and remain in effect until expired, lost, or stolen.

(2) Permits
A permit issued under section 100904 of title 54 that was valid on the day before December 8, 2004, shall be valid and remain in effect until expired, revoked, or suspended.

(Pub. L. 108–447, div. J, title VIII, § 805, Dec. 8, 2004, 118 Stat. 3385; Pub. L. 113–287, § 5(d)(36), Dec. 19, 2014, 128 Stat. 3267; Pub. L. 114–289, title I, § 102, Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1484.)

Jul 01, 2017
Parking and overnight staying on lake accorded to shote NEW
by: Sterling

I have a 22 foot pontoon boat. Was wondering if there is any regulations stating that I cannot park my boat and anchor to shore to spend night on boat. This is at strawberry resivor utah

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